At TJPI, we believe in offering flexible pricing options to cater to the diverse requirements of our clients. Our goal is to provide exceptional services at competitive prices, ensuring that you can focus on the quality of your research without worrying about the financial aspect. Explore our comprehensive pricing plans below to find the perfect match for your journal.

Pricing Plans to Fit Your Needs

Journal Setup - Standard Plan

Setup price: $ 1,200
$15 per article + $360 per year

Journal Setup - Institutional Plan

Setup price: First Journal $1,200, 2nd and onward $800 per journal
$15 per article + $720 per year

Journal Management Assistance

Hire a Journal Management Assistant for your Research Journal’s day to day tasks forĀ  as low as $500 per month

We are confident that our pricing plans will cater to your journal’s specific needs while providing excellent value for money. For more information or to discuss a customized solution, please contact our sales team at Let TJPI be your trusted partner in the world of research journal publishing.