When you start a new research journal with TJPI, you keep complete editorial control, including decisions on individual articles as well as on editorial policies regarding journal scope, peer review, and quality thresholds, and article processing charges (APC). TJPI’s role is as a service provider, making available the underlying technology and tools (an end-to-end system from submission to Editors’ decisions on acceptance/rejection); article production and deposition in repositories such as Google Scholar; collaboration with web-based services such as Crossref and with aggregators; through to journal development, journal management system updates, marketing, customer services, and in-house support for Editors, reviewers, and authors.
All TJPI customers are bound to agree with the following terms and conditions.
- TJPI reserves the right to accept or reject any application for journal setup on its platform.
- TJPI is a technology service provider, therefore, TJPI is not responsible for any issues with the third party services.
- TJPI will provide ISSN and DOIs for the publishers who want to keep their journals under TJPI administration and are located within the USA. Independent journals and the journals operating outside of the USA are liable to get their own DOIs, and ISSN from their country specific ISSN centers.